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What Is Zopiclone?

The medication is commonly used for the treatment of insomnia and similar sleeping disorders. It works by reducing the time it takes to fall asleep and eliminates nocturnal awakening. It is an effective muscle relaxant with sedative properties. Zopiclone should only be used in the short term to avoid any chance of dependence and withdrawal symptoms when use of the medication has ceased, which can start developing after 4 weeks of regular use.

How Zopiclone 7.5 mg / 10 mg Works

The medication is available for purchase under various brand names, including Zimovane, Imovane, Actavis and Sanofi. While the sleeping pills are essentially the same, they are often available in varying dosage strengths, with 7.5 mg being the strongest dosage strength available. Depending on the severity of insomnia or other type of sleeping disorder, the appropriate dosage of medication should be taken accordingly. Under specific circumstances, you should exercise caution before consuming zopiclone for your sleeping disorders. In fact, the medication may or may not be suitable for your specific circumstances. It is recommended that you should inform your doctor if you suffer from:

  • Myasthenia Gravis - A nerve disorder that causes muscle weakness
  • Kidney or liver problems
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression or personality disorder
  • Breathing complications
  • Alcohol or drug abuse - whether current or in the past
  • Allergic reactions to ingredients contained in the medication

For senior citizens and women going through pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is highly advisable to discuss your circumstances with your doctor before you decide to buy zopiclone tablets. Also, for any other conditions that you may experience, please consult your doctor and research online to determine whether this medication is safe for you to use or not.

How to Take Zopiclone 7.5 mg / 10 mg

For adults, the usual ideal dosage is one 7.5 mg tablet. The tablet must be swallowed whole before bedtime without chewing and with water. Specific instructions on the ideal dosage appropriate for your condition will be available in the instructions that come with the medication packaging. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to attain effective and safe results. Generally, zopiclone should be consumed before your normal sleeping time, after which at least 7 hours of rest is recommended to avoid drowsiness the next day. Always consume the medication in accordance with the recommended dosage and never share your medication with any third parties or recommend use to another person without them seeking medical advice. Never consume more than the recommended dosage to avoid severe side effects and dependence.

7.5 mg / 10 mg Zopiclone Side Effects

Just like other sedatives, zopiclone has its side effects, which can typically last for as long as the medication is active in the body. Common side effects may include:

  • Disorientation
  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness or drowsiness - more common in senior citizens
  • Dry mouth
  • Prolonged tiredness

Severe side effects of zopiclone tablets, although very rare, may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Chronic headaches
  • Changing libido
  • Rash development
  • Memory issues
  • Severe confusion

When under the influence of zopiclone, it is inadvisable to drive as this can pose danger to those around you. Disorientation is common with consumption, which is why you should only consume the medication before going to sleep to avoid any mishaps.

Buy Zopiclone Online

You can buy this medication from our online pharmacy without a prescription. Delivery is fast and discreet. Discounted rates are offered to consumers who buy the medication in a larger quantity. When you buy zopiclone tablets standard delivery times range from 2 to 7 business days depending on the destination.

Common questions

How long does it take for the medication to kick in?
The medication takes about 30 to 60 minutes to take effect.

How does Zopiclone work?
Zopiclone improves the efficacy of a chemical in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA blocks out the transmission of nerve impulses within the brain and thus has a calming effect, so by boosting the effectiveness of GABA, zopiclone induces sleep.

Can this medication negatively affect my fertility?
No, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest this medication can have a negative effect on fertility.

Are these sleeping pills addictive?
This medication may cause dependency for some people if used for more than 4 weeks without a break.

What food or drink should be avoided before taking this medication?
The medication may be taken with or without food, but you should ideally avoid fatty or heavy meals beforehand as this can slow the effectiveness of the tablet.

Is it safe to consume alcohol before taking zopiclone?
Whilst taking this medication, you are advised not to consume alcohol or drugs. You should also ensure that the medications you are currently taking do not hinder the effects of zopiclone (no unwanted interactions).

Last Reviewed: 10th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

Customer Reviews

Lisa – Mar 02, 2023
Excellent quality and service, been using this site for a long time now
Lisa Pain – Mar 02, 2023
Always use CSP, great service, great pills, always reliable and have never let me down yet.
GC – Mar 02, 2023
Amazing service, thanks. Quick delivery of my zopiclone. Perfect quality. Highly recommended.
Robert Orchard – Mar 02, 2023
Good and efficient service
Louise White – Mar 02, 2023
I am completely blown away. Your company has got everything I need. Its really wonderful. Louise W.
Bailey Brown – Mar 02, 2023
Your service has completely surpassed my expectations. Bailey B.
Conal – Mar 02, 2023
Great service, great products, fast delivery
Dan – Mar 02, 2023
Excellent service, great product. Helps me to get uninterrupted sleep after nights
Bella – Mar 02, 2023
I was so happy to receive my order for Zopiclone. The product is genuine and good quality. The customer support is very helpful and can response less than a day. I will definitely reorder again.
Steven – Mar 02, 2023
Just recently received my order!
Terry – Mar 02, 2023
My favourites, genuine and do the job nicely, gets me to sleep quickly. Perfect 👌 thank you csp.
Sadie Reynolds – Mar 02, 2023
I received my order for Zopiclone today and the service has been nothing short of phenomenal. Thank you again, I will be recommending to all my friends.

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